
Being alone in a crowd

I’m not fond of big crowds but somehow the larger the crowd the easier it is to stay in your own protective introverted shell.  The sheer numbers make it awkward for anyone to single you out and try to engage you in a conversation.  Sporting events, church, Las Vegas, are all great places to get lost in the crowds.  It’s when I attend smaller events, like REIA meetings of a few hundred or over 20 I particularly dislike.  Some folks thrive in these settings.  They shake your hand, hand you a business card, and find out what you can do for THEM in less than 30 seconds.  Yeah, it doesn’t get much deeper than that.  These type events have their purpose but most introverts to have a few longer conversations to see how both sides can benefit.

I call myself a real estate matchmaker these days.  If we can spend a few minutes talking about real estate, I can probably help you out or lead you to someone or some resource who can.  I spent some time yesterday speaking to some local investors who were new to this area.  They were familiar with other markets but not Texas rules.  That’s fine, I sent them some private lenders for them to connect with and other resources.  I invested in them, and hopefully, in return they will buy properties from me with no delays.

As a Wholesaler, you take a chance with each new buyer that they actually can Close on the property and won’t make outrageous demands on you or the Seller.  Even though you’ve assigned your interest in the contract over to your end Buyer does not stop your part in the transaction.  If they need help with more due diligence or funding, you should be willing to help them.  If there’s a Title issue, you need to assist in getting it resolved.  Staying in the transaction from start to finish is the only way to guarantee your paycheck at Closing so stay in there!

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